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                      單位:沈陽建筑大學...     作者:傅毅,苗佩芳     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-02-27

                      摘 要:全民學習逐漸成為我國新時代下的新形勢與新要求,大眾對學習空間的需求與日俱增,共享自習室正是新時代發展的產物。文章以共享自習室為研究對象,將情感化設計作為理論依據,總結出自習室空間中所存在的問題并進行多角度思考,歸納出影響共享自習室空間情感化的因素,最后從情感化的本能層、行為層、反思層三個層次,提出共享自習室空間的情感化設計策略,以期為今后的共享自習室空間設計與優化提供一定的借鑒與參考。


                      中圖分類號:TU244 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)02-0054-04

                      Abstract:National learning has gradually become a new situation and new requirements in the new era of our country, and the public's demand for learning space is increasing day by day, and shared study rooms are positive products of the development of the new era. This paper takes the shared study room as the research object, takes the emotional design as the theoretical basis, summarizes the problems existing in the study room space, thinks from multiple angles, summarizes the factors affecting the emotional space of the shared study room space, and finally puts forward the emotional design strategy of the shared study room space from the three levels of the emotional instinct level, the behavior level and the reflection level. In order to provide some reference for the design and optimization of shared study room space in the future.

                      Key Words:Emotional Design; Shared Study Room; Space Design; Study Room
