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                      單位:華東理工大學...     作者:高詩堯,王計平     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-03-20

                      摘 要:露營是近年來興起的重要戶外活動。文章對露營裝備進行現狀分析,總結了現有露營產品的主要問題,基于五大體驗體系,得出用戶體驗視角下的露營裝備設計特征。最后從用戶體驗的視角,以露營帳篷為例進行設計實踐。運用Python程序語言,分析用戶購買帳篷后的評價和關鍵詞,綜合設計特征得到用戶需求,圍繞設計定位提出解決方案,從造型、搭建和空間三部分講述設計。以期為露營裝備的設計提供有益的參考。


                      中圖分類號:TB472 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)03-0023-04

                      Abstract:Camping is an important outdoor activity that has emerged in recent years. The article analyzes the current situation of camping equipment, summarizes the main problems of existing camping products, and based on the five major experience systems, obtains the design characteristics of camping equipment from the perspective of user experience. Finally, from the perspective of user experience, take camping tents as an example for design practice. By using the Python programming language to analyze users' evaluations and keywords after purchasing tents, and combining design features to obtain user needs, propose solutions around the design positioning, covering design from three parts: styling, construction and space.The aim is to provide useful references for the design of camping equipment.

                      Key Words:Industrial Design; Camping Equipment; Camping Tents; User Experience; Design Research
