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                      單位:中國礦業大學...     作者:袁娜,朱小軍     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-03-20

                      摘 要:近年來村民活動中心快速設計建造,卻忽視了村民的身心需求,文章將代際互助模式引入村民活動中心的設計中,以滿足村民需求,促進農村地緣代際關系的融合。文章首先從配套設施、空間布局、服務人群三個方面梳理了村民活動中心的發展現狀,其次總結歸納了農村老人、中青年、兒童的不同基礎需求和精神需求,最后提出了代際互助模式下的鄉村村民活動中心設計策略,以期為今后的村民活動中心設計提供理論支撐。


                      中圖分類號:TU26 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)03-0048-04

                      Abstract:In recent years, the rapid design and construction of villager activity centers have ignored the physical and mental needs of villagers. This paper introduces the intergenerational mutual aid mode into the design of villager activity centers to meet the needs of villagers and promote the integration of rural geo-generational relations. This paper first reviews the development status of villager activity centers from the aspects of supporting facilities, spatial layout and service groups, then summarizes the different basic and spiritual needs of the rural elderly, young and middle-aged, and children, and finally puts forward the design strategy of rural villager activity centers under the intergenerational mutual aid mode, in order to provide support for the future design of villager activity centers.

                      Key Words:Intergenerational Mutual Aid Mode; Village Activity Center; Villagers'demand; Design Strategy
