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                      單位:沈陽建筑大學...     作者:冼寧,林一萌     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-03-20

                      摘 要:游戲對幼兒的成長具有重要意義,有利于提升幼兒運動、社交、認知等方面的能力。幼兒園需要為幼兒創造良好的游戲環境,滿足他們多樣化的游戲活動。文章首先通過查閱資料和實地調研的方式,分析出寒地城市幼兒園游戲空間設計存在的問題,其次從安全性、靈活性、趣味性、生態性四個方面闡述了幼兒園游戲空間設計的原則,最后提出了相應的設計策略,以期對日后的幼兒園游戲空間設計有一定的參考作用。


                      中圖分類號: TU244.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)03-0068-04

                      Abstract:Games are of great significance to the growth of children, and are conducive to the development of their own sports, social, cognitive and other abilities. Kindergartens need to create a good play environment for children to meet their diverse play activities. This paper first analyzes the problems existing in the play space design of kindergartens in cold cities by consulting materials and conducting field research. Secondly, it expounds the principles of the play space design of kindergartens from four aspects: safety, flexibility, interest and ecology. Finally, it puts forward corresponding design strategies, In order to have a certain reference for the future kindergarten play space design.

                      Key Words:Cold City;  Kindergarten; Play Space Design
