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                      單位:大邱大學造型...     作者:楊彥紅     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-03-20

                      摘 要:隨著我國經濟、社會的發展和三孩政策的實施,兒童人口占比提升,兒童在醫療服務方面的需求也隨之上升,但是目前我國大部分兒童醫院空間設計以就診和指引功能為主,忽略了兒童、家屬及醫護人員的身心需求,導致兒童醫療空間出現一些問題,影響了患兒的診治和康復的效果。研究和提供符合兒童身心發展的療愈環境對其身心發展至關重要,也是未來我國在醫療領域內發展的重要方向。文章通過研究療愈環境理念,結合兒童生理、心理、精神三個層面,提出兒童醫療空間的療愈環境設計的內容及設計策略,以期為兒童醫療空間的療愈環境設計提供參考。


                      中圖分類號:TU246.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)03-0072-04

                      Abstract:With the development of China's economy and society, as well as the implementation of the three child policy, the proportion of children in the population has increased, and the demand for medical services for children has also increased. However, currently, most children's hospitals in China focus on medical treatment and guidance functions, ignoring the physical and mental needs of children, their families, and medical staff. This has led to some problems in children's medical spaces, affecting the effectiveness of diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation for children. Studying and providing a healing environment that is suitable for children's physical and mental development is crucial for their physical and mental development, and it is also an important direction for China's future development in the medical field. The article proposes the content and design strategies of the healing environment design for children's medical spaces by studying the concept of healing environment, combining the physiological, psychological, and spiritual aspects of children, in order to provide reference for the healing environment design of children's medical spaces.

                      Key Words:Medical Environment; Healing Environment Concept; Children's Healing Environment; Design Strategy
