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                      單位:武漢工程大學...     作者:陳波,周子晗,祝陳心     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-03-20

                      摘 要:鄉村文化是中華文化的重要基石,鄉村景觀是鄉村文化表達的重要載體。近年來大規模的鄉村建設雖已逐漸凸顯成效,但由于當前建設的盲目性和對鄉土文化理解的片面性,在設計中盲目追隨城市景觀設計的模式,導致鄉村景觀建設同質化,從而陷入了“千村一面”的窘境。文章從延續鄉村文化的角度出發,研究分析當前鄉村建設中存在的問題,提出基于鄉村文化的鄉村景觀改造設計策略,并以黃岡市花油畈村的景觀改造為例,探討當地油面文化在景觀設計中的應用,使獨有的文化資源在鄉村景觀的重建中得以延續和發展。


                      中圖分類號:TU982.29 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)03-0126-04

                      Abstract:Rural culture is an important cornerstone of Chinese culture, and rural landscape is an important carrier of rural cultural expression. In recent years, although large-scale rural construction has gradually achieved results, due to the blindness of the current construction and the one-sidedness of the understanding of local culture, they blindly follow the urban landscape design model in the design, leading to the homogenization of rural landscape construction, and thus falling into the dilemma of "one thousand villages". From the perspective of continuity of rural culture, this paper studies and analyzes existing problems in rural construction, puts forward rural landscape renovation design strategies based on rural culture, and takes landscape renovation of Huayufan Village, Huanggang City as an example to discuss the application of oil face culture in landscape design, which enables unique cultural resources to continue and develop in rural landscape reconstruction.

                      Key Words:Rural Culture; Cultural Heritage; Rural Landscape; Transformation Design
