1. 投稿

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                      單位:貴州大學美術學院     作者:韓康,唐昌喬     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-04-22

                      摘 要:為幫助辦公人群更高效率地完成工作并獲得更多樂趣,同時緩解工作壓力,將使用便利貼記事這一行為向智能化趨勢靠攏,文章首先基于Kano模型深入分析智能桌面便簽機用戶需求,確定功能特性類型,并明確相對重要的用戶體驗需求。其次采用FBS模型將關鍵需求與產品設計相對應,確保設計方案的合理性。最后通過理論模型的應用得到更具創新性和實用性的設計方案,提高用戶工作效率的同時增添趣味性,為辦公用品創新發展和改進提供有針對性的指導。


                      中圖分類號:TB472 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)04-0087-04

                      Abstract:In order to help office workers complete their work more efficiently and have more fun, while alleviating work pressure, the use of sticky notes for note taking is moving towards the trend of intelligence. This article first analyzes the user needs of smart desktop note machines in depth based on the Kano model, determines the types of functional characteristics, and clarifies the relatively important user experience needs. Secondly, the FBS model is used to correspond key requirements with product design, ensuring the rationality of the design scheme. Finally, through the application of theoretical models, more innovative and practical design solutions are obtained, improving user work efficiency while adding fun, providing targeted guidance for the innovative development and improvement of office supplies.

                      Key Words:Industrial Design; Intelligent Office Supplies; Kano Model; FBS Model; Innovative Design
