1. 投稿

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                      單位:安徽科技學院...     作者:盧亦彤,石文可,張雅晶     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-04-22

                      摘 要:隨著現代商業的發展,工業設計專業的培養目標日益向實踐型、創新型轉變。在這一背景下,設計管理課程教學的研究與改革亟待探索,以適應行業的需求和學生的發展要求。文章通過分析工業設計專業的現狀,探討了設計管理課程教學的重要性和意義。在此基礎上,提出了一系列針對設計管理課程教學的改革措施,旨在提高學生的綜合能力,培養其成為適應市場需求的設計管理人才。


                      中圖分類號:G423.07 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)04-0101-04


                      Abstract:With the development of modern business models, the training objectives of industrial design majors are increasingly shifting towards practicality and innovation. Under this background, the research on the teaching reform of design management course needs to be explored urgently to meet the needs of the industry and the development requirements of students. This article explores the importance and significance of design management teaching by analyzing the current situation of industrial design major. On this basis, a series of reform measures for design management teaching have been proposed, aiming to improve students' comprehensive abilities and cultivate them to become design management talents that meet the needs of modern business models.

                      Key Words:Industrial Design; Design Management; Teaching Reform
