1. 投稿

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                      基于生成式AI技術的智能設計模型建構研究 ——以老年智能設計模型為例

                      單位:1.中國美術學...     作者:孔超,吳帥威,鄧麗丹     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-04-22

                      摘 要:文章探討了生成式AI技術在設計領域中的應用及專業設計模型的構建方式。通過生成式AI的技術特點、預訓練模型微調方式和復雜設計問題的分析,構建智能專業設計模型的框架。文章以老年設計領域為例,提出了“基礎層+微調與評估層+應用層”的老年智能設計模型及內容。以期為智能設計模型的開發提供一定的參考。


                      中圖分類號:TP391.9 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)04-0109-04

                      Abstract:This paper discusses the application of generative AI technology in the field of design and the construction of professional design model. The framework of intelligent professional design model is constructed by analyzing the technical characteristics of generative AI, the way of pre-training model fine-tuning and complex design problems. Taking the field of elderly design as an example, this paper puts forward the intelligent design model and contents of "base layer + fine-tuning and evaluation layer + application layer". In order to provide some reference for the development of intelligent design model.

                      Key Words:Industrial Design; AI Design Model; Aging Design, Generative AI
