1. 投稿

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                      單位:太原科技大學...     作者:王婧宇,田保珍,辛運勝     來源:工業設計雜志     時間:2024-04-22

                      摘 要:文章以農業除草器為研究對象,對目前市場上便攜式除草器進行改良設計,來解決當代人們遇到的除草劑用量問題。通過傳感器感應每單位體量空間內雜草的情況,并根據雜草閾值來確定系統內對應的除草劑用量,以此噴灑出合適的除草劑用量,在保證除草效率的同時減少對環境的污染和對人體健康的隱患,實現人與自然和諧相處,進一步促進智慧農業更好發展。


                      中圖分類號:TB472 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-7053(2024)04-0152-04


                      Abstract:The article takes agricultural herbicides as the research object and improves the design of portable herbicides on the current market to solve the problem of herbicide dosage encountered by contemporary people. By sensing the situation of weeds per unit volume space through sensors and determining the corresponding herbicide dosage in the system based on weed threshold, an appropriate herbicide dosage is sprayed to reduce environmental pollution and potential health hazards while ensuring weed control efficiency, achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and further promoting the better development of smart agriculture.

                      Key Words:Industrial Design; Weeder; Improved Design; Intelligent Agriculture
